Sloppy Films Sloppy Films

Sloppy Shorts

Animation Sociology: I have made four animation sociology videos, which you may view on-line. They are First Image, Acting Audience, Perfect Impossible Book, and Mouth Movie.

Drawing Movies in the Dark. These are drawings and notes made in the dark during many movies at the film festival.
Art Car videos. I have made long and short documentaries of the Minneapolis Art Car parade for a few years now.
Cassidy Basement Dreams is a video made out of dream stories collected in a basement during a birthday party.
I details my adventures in Paris in two movies: Paris Postcard, which is my love song to my first Paris trip in 2002, and 5 Short Movies About Paris, which is a record of my trip to Paris in 2003.
Video of the Ancient Mixmaster is about Greg Carr and his ancient audio mixing equipment and the hypnotic soundscapes he creates with it.
Video of the Ancient Mixmaster
Fire Sale is about art and fire and what you do with too much stuff. It's also a look at the art of JAO.
Walking the Wisconsin Dells Strip is my Flash pome about walking in a not-so-very pedestrian friendly place before the tourist season sets in.
Beatup is a Flash short that contains some thoughts about my trip to the hospital last year, and how I came to value very highly one particular organ.
Sliced Dreams
Sliced Dreams is a collection of dream stories that have been cut up and recombined.
A John Akre Filmography

Contact: E-mail me