IFP MN Short Cuts Camp 2014

In the Short Cuts Camp I ran at IFP MN in late July 2014, we followed in the footsteps of the Michel Gondry film, "Be Kind, Rewind," and campers chose Hollywood movies that they "Sweded," created a short low budget version of.

Psycho Swede from IFP Minnesota on Vimeo.

The Other Hunger Games from IFP Minnesota on Vimeo.

Gravity Houston from IFP Minnesota on Vimeo.

Frozen in Five Minutes from IFP Minnesota on Vimeo.

They also made trailers in which they introduced their group members using Hollywood genre conventions.

Lazy People Intro Trailer from IFP Minnesota on Vimeo.

Boring Pictures Intro Trailer from IFP Minnesota on Vimeo.

ACS Cam Intro from IFP Minnesota on Vimeo.