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Symphony of a Thousand Novel from Zero – As seen on TV by John Akre - The Outline

I. Philo T. Faustus makes his dinner as the world burns around him

A. TV characters celebrate the recent war victory

B. Teaching assistant Wagner considers the impact of television

C. President Mephisto of Helmart wishes to bend a soul.

II. Faustus invents television as a young man

A. He is assisted by Parson Brown and Mayor Butcher

B. The TV broadcast kills Parson Brown

III. Faustus meets President Mephisto

A. Faustus teaches but thinks about TV 5000

B. The TV set at Faustus’ house explodes in front of him

C. Mephisto tempts Faustus with wealth and fame

IV. Faustus agrees to star in TV commercials for President Mephisto

A. Wagner thinks about his TV Zero

B. Josie Gretchen sees Faustus on TV and wants to make the docudrama

V. Faustus is set to become a TV personality

A. His early career in radio is recounted

B. Wagner wants to make his own documentary about Faustus

C. Gretchen develops Faustus’ life into a TV movie

D. Faustus acts in TV commercials for President Mephisto

VI. Gretchen’s drama goes into pre-production

A. Milo X Urfaust is troubled and sees Faustus on TV

B. Faustus takes an enjoyable shopping trip.

C. Wagner is refused permission to shoot his documentary on the set

D. The actor Brutus Terrain is cast to play Faustus

VII. The cameras roll for Gretchen’s drama

A. Marcus Guidance leads the early movies

B. Mephisto buys out Gretchen’s company

C. Faustus is a celebrity and commodity

D. Mephisto convinces Gretchen to end her drama with Faustus shopping

E. Wagner must shoot his documentary off the TV screen

F. Wagner takes his TV apart

G. At a party, Faustus leaps into a big screen TV

VIII. Death of Faustus

A. Marcus Guidance sees movies as moral guidance

B. Milo X Urfaust shoots and kills Faustus

C. Faustus is welcomed into heaven by all the TV personalities

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